T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunner - Cosmic Legions action figure from Four Horsemen Studios

T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunner

Subject Information

  • Name - Common Use: T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunner
  • Name - Full: T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunner
  • Race: Varied
  • Affiliation: T.U.5.C.C
  • Planet of Origin: Varied

Toy Details

  • Released In: Early release at Ishcon 2024 and then offered for sale at StoreHorsemen.com
  • Accessories: Heavy blaster weapon, pistol, wrist rocket, 2 tubes, 4 sets of hands
  • Additional Heads: No (it does have an extra armored helmet visor)

Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:

Officially, the Traders Union of the 5 Circles of Cosmerrium, or T.U.5.C.C., are a trade organization. This makes the fact that a full-fledged military infrastructure exists amongst the ranks of this alliance of private firms that much more unusual.

Officially sanctioned for “the security of the alliance and protection of its assets and interests”, it is a widely-known fact that the T.U.5.C.C.’s forces are just as often used for intimidation of rival organizations and acquisition of new territories as they are utilized in the protection of existing arrangements. At the front of many of these offensive endeavors are the T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunners.

Outfitted in heavily reinforced armor and wielding large pulse blasters whose destructive capacity rivals even the weapons of the Phaerrox, these soldiers are often sent into a territory in order to “quell resistance to the fruitful progression of commerce.” In reality, the T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunners are a tool used to eliminate opposition through whatever means is required to achieve the outcomes desired by the Directorial Board of the Traders Union.

All photos by Trevor Williams